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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Natural Health Medicine Versus Chemical Health Medicine

Our bodies are like our cars. They need to be properly maintained in order for them to function at their best. Therefore the right mechanic is needed when our cars break down and the same applies to your body.

The best thing is to find the best medicine that will be fast and effective. And in the health market out there, there are tons of medicines that will promise to do just that, yet at the same time, the small print tells us to beware of the side effects.

This little warning is one that we often ignore. Yet at the same time it is important to acknowledge its existence so that we do not end up making ourselves even sicker.

Natural health medicine has the benefits in that it is one of the few medicines that have little or no side effects. The only side effect that it might have is if you are allergic to a certain ingredient and you didn't know it.

While, with chemical
health medicines, you are more likely to experience some side effects, as the warning messages clearly state. That is because many people are allergic to most chemicals, which means their bodies will react in a negative way in order to expel the allergen.
Chemical health medicine does, however, also work, but the side effects make it less appealing.

In the long run, using natural health medicines will clearly be better for your body, as they will achieve the same result, but over a long period of time. Rather than bombarding your body with harsh chemicals, natural health medicines help your body to fight disease and cleanse itself while fortifying it with nutrients to prevent further pathology.

At the end of the day, it is important to choose the right medicine for your problems. If you simply want a quick fix for your problem, then concentrated chemical medicines might be the answer; if, on the other hand, you want a longer, more sustainable solution to your problem, you should definitely use natural health medicines

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Why Health Is Important

You are what you eat. What you eat affects your health. When you do not watch your diet, your health faces problems. A lot of people in this world are seeking wealth. They spent hours working everyday, commit themselves to their work, aiming for promotions and pay-rise from their work. The entrepreneurs and business people, too have the common objective of earning more money, always thinking of how to earn more money. No doubt money is important, your health is even more important. Everyday, your ability to go to work - waking up early in the morning and able to have the drive to work, is all due to your good health. Without a healthy body, you do not even have any earning potential! When your health is at risk, you are in pain, do you think you can earn money then? Do you think you can go to work with the drive and energy as when you are in normal health? Do you think you can bear the pain - save money and do not need to see doctor?
Our health is our 'everything'. Whether you are a toddler, a child, a teenage or an adult, a good health enable you to perform the daily functions of life. For students, a normal health, allow them to able to go to school, to obtain knowledge and the building of character. For adults, good health means you can go to work everyday, to earn a living, to be able to achieve your goals in life. Good health also enable you to enjoy life.
The greatest asset of life is our ability to be able to wake up everyday and go to work. I am sure you have experienced time when you are not able to wake up in certain time of the morning. You are sick. Your bodies are aching. You have headaches and to make it worse, you feel nauseous and you may be having diarrhea too. When time like that strikes, you have to call up the office to report sick. You applied for medical leave. As a salary worker or staff, under such circumstances you are paid at the end of the month your monthly salary. Every year, you have certain number of days to apply for your sickness. However, some people like the self-employed individuals such as the taxi-drivers and some property agents or sales people are paid based on commission alone. If they don't work, they have no earnings for that day. These people know truly well that they cannot afford to be sick. A day without work means a day without paid for them!
When you are sick, you need to see doctor. Nobody can bear the pains of sickness and diseases. When you are sick, you are suffering. You cannot function well and most of the time you just want to sleep or lie down to rest. You do not have the energy to even move around. So it makes work really impossible.
Apart from physical health, mental health is also important. Some people do not have diseases or viral illness or sickness at all. But their mental health got problems. Some people have mild mental health problems, while some others have more serious mental health problems. Those people who suffer serious mental illness have to be hospitalised. While some people are hospitalised for treatments or for other reasons such as abandoned by families, others are being looked after by their own family members at home. For such cases of serious mental illness, no one would want to employ them. Neither can they look after themselves. They have lost their earning potential. They cannot contribute anything to the society. They have to rely on care-givers to provide for their daily needs and care.
When you do not take care of your health, it may means spending more money than what you are earning now. We know that medical expenses are getting more expensive. We cannot afford to fall sick. Once illness strikes, you need to see doctor, get treatment, seek remedies to soothe and to reduce your sufferings. Most of the time, diseases are chronic and life-long. Treatment may be monthly, like kidney dialysis, and these are liablities to you. When such time come, you don't even feel good. You are limited to the number of things that you can do. You are limited to the food that you can eat too. Life would not be as enjoyable and free when you have a normal health!
For people with mild cases of mental problems, is important to seek help while it's early to prevent the illness from progressing further. That applies to physical health too. Our health would signal us that there is problem when you develop signs and symptoms which affect you in your daily functions of life. When these 'alarm' strikes, you should pay attention to it. It is giving you a warning and you'd better do something to it. If you don't, whatever dreams or hopes that you have for the future will be at risk anytime.
All in all, I would say that our health is our greatest asset that we have. Health is important to us as it enables you to fulfill your dreams and goals in life. In pursuing your life's goals and dreams, you seek meaning in life. Many times, our goals in life might be to achieve materials things, which require money. When your health do not permit you to work anymore, you lost the earning potential and to make it worse, you became a liability to your family and to the society too. As for minority of people who find great satisfaction of life through helping people by one means or another, this require a good health to serve people too. When such time arises, when you have poor health - when illness strikes, it became an obstacles and hindrance to your dreams come true. It becomes a suffering in your life.